1535 EST--just went outside to check mail and heard the distinctive whine of a C-5 flying over BWI. Couldn't see him because of the cloud cover but would guess he's at about 10,000 ft whic is what they usually do over this area.
Might have been 68-0211 (C-5A, 167th AS WV-ANG) showing DECOY 11.
Speaking of freq changes, I've got a bunch of them now that I have finally caught up with a chunk of my reading. Here's a local one upcoming:
Dulles (KIAD) Tower for runway 1L/19R...Delete 128.425 and Add 134.425. This is marked as effective as of 08 April 2010.
Also for John Murtha (gag) Airport in PA...
Add 36.5 FM for KEYSTONE OPS (Army National Guard)
Indianapolis ARTCC (ZID), Portmouth OH RCAG....
Add 135.75/290.5 Discrete Low
Wallops Island Tower...
Delete 394.3, Add 306.975
Wallops Island Ground Control...
Add 127.825/269.325 (There were no freqs to delete in the notice)
All across the country, the MilAir freqs between 380-399.975 are slowly being changed.
I've also got notes on a couple of other freq changes for ARTCCs across the country which I'll post here (for Paul to update the database if he's still reading here - as soon as I find the notes I scribbled them on).
Here's one...MInneapolis ARTCC (ZMP) for the Dupree SD RCAG...
Delete 120.05/290.35 Low, Add 126.8/256.7 Low
Another...Denver ARTCC (ZDV) for the Ogallala NE RCAG...
Delete 381.55, Add 257.75 HIgh
One more...Oakland ARTCC (ZOA) for the Priest CA RCAG...
Delete 126.9 Low (that's all they said - no addition)
And finally...Houston ARTCC (ZHU) for the Rockport TX RCAG...
Add 133.4 Oceanic Low (Nothing to delete)
Ref Below: Very good Paul. Glad you're still here. Hope all is well with your "new" life.