HF Logs, 16 Feb
For those of you interested in HF. The propagation was very good today:
((Times UTC, Freqs KHz))
23337.0 ADW (HF-GCS, Andrews AFB MD): 1400 USB/ALE sounding.
09025.0 MCC (HF-GCS McClellan AFB CA): 1630 USB/ALE calling SKW (unid).
18594.0 J22 (USCG MH-60J #6022 CGAS Clearwater FL): 1646 USB/ALE calling OPB (OPBAT Service Center, Nassau, Bahamas) then in voice 22 Charlie w/Panther reporting airborne w/4 POB.
09025.0 15006 (C-5B Aircraft, #85-0006 439 AW – AFRC, Westover ARB, MA): 1800 USB/ALE sounding.
15867.0 TSC (US Customs National Law Enforcement Communications Center -- Technical Service Center Orlando, FL): 1847 USB/ALE calling MS1 (unid Land Mobile Unit).
08337.6 Shark 29 (prob USCGC Decisive, WMEC 629, Pasgagoula MS): 1857 USB w/??? 00 (call missed,prob USCG HC-130H #1500, CGAS Elizabeth City NC).
08337.6 Shark 29: 1910 USB w/Swordfish 20 (USCG HU-25 #2120 ATC Mobile AL) who passes position as 2151N/7454W.
10242.0 ROS (USCGC SPENCER WMEC 905 Boston MA): 1922 USB/ALE sounding.
07527.0 MS2 (unid Land Mobile Unit): 1927 USB/ALE calling TSC.
14582.0 D46 (US Customs P-3 AEW&C #N146CS/BuNo 154605, Jacksonville AMB, FL): 1930 USB/ALE sounding. Also on 18594.0 USB.
20890.0 TSC: 1933 USB w/MS2 (not heard) using Parkhill encrypted voice. After several tries Service Center request that they go back to COTHEN scan and try to find a better frequency. They switch to 08912.0 for both clear and Parkhill comms.
10242.0 LNT (CamsLant Chesapeake) 1936 USB/ALE w/500 (USCG HC-130H #1500, CGAS Elizabeth City NC) then in voice 1500 advises Camslant that they are RTB to Guantanamo Bay Cuba and securing radio guard.
14582.0 LNT: 1945 USB/ALE calling J42 (USCG MH-60J #6042 CGAS Clearwater FL).
14582.0 T85 (US Customs PIPER PA-42-720R #N9085U, Jacksonville, FL AMB): 1950 USB/ALE sounding.
14582.0 D05 (US Customs BOMBARDIER Q400 #N805MR): 1952 USB/ALE sounding.
08337.6 ??? 00: 2016 USB w/Shark 29 reporting they are on final for homeplate.
15867.0 N04 (USCG HC-144A #2304 ATC Mobile AL): 2019 USB/ALE sounding.
08912.0 D14 (US Customs P-3A “Slick” #N18314/BuNo 150314, Corpus Christi AMB, TX): 2025 USB/ALE sounding. Also on 20890.0 USB.
09025.0 690001 (unid): 2100 USB/ALE sounding.
09025.0 JDG (HF-GCS Diego Garcia): 2119 USB/ALE calling JDGAULT (alternate comms site at Diego Garcia???).
09025.0 DEF (unid): 2121 USB/ALE calling JDG. After ALE handshake busy telephone tones heard.
08337.6 Shark 29: 2131 USB w/Swordfish 28 (HU-25D # 2128, CGAS Miami). ANDVT also noted. Shark 29 advises that unid asset has 45 mins left on scene & that the TOI is doing 15 kts.
08337.6 Shark 09 (poss USCGC Aquidneck WPB-1309, Portsmouth VA): 2135 USB w/Sinbad 01 (unid CG acft-not heard). Shark 09 requests ops & position.
10242.0 OPB: 2142 USB w/D31 (US Customs P-3B "Slick" #N431SK/BuNo 153431, Jacksonville AMB, FL). After ALE handshake both stations in Parkhill encrypted comms.
10242.0 CNT (US Customs AMOC Central Regional Communications Node): 2144 USB w/D31 (US Customs P-3B "Slick" #N431SK/BuNo 153431, Jacksonville AMB, FL). After ALE handshake D31 in Parkhill encrypted comms w/prob Hammer (US Customs Customs DAICC, March AFB, Riverside, CA). Then In ALE w/OPB and Panther advises Omaha 31 that Shark 29 is trying to contact them on 345.0. Omaha 31 advises that they are probably a little too far away for UHF comms but will try shortly. At 2208 after ALE handshake, Omaha 31 advises Panther that they will have 3.5 hours on station and that they are about 125 mlies south of Shark 29's position. They had Shark 29 on IFF but no voice comms yet.
08337.6 Shark 29: 2255 USB w/Omaha 31 who reports they have reacquited the TOI which is DIW (dead in water) at this time at 2200N/7522W. Omaha 31 asks Shark 29 if they have updated info on Duncantown to which Shark 29 replies no updates but will advise if they come in.
08337.6 Shark 29: 2311 USB w/ANDVT then w/Omaha 31 in the clear. Shark 29 requests who is holding Omaha 31's comms guard. Omaha 31 replies that nobody is holding their guard. Shark 29 advises that CG District 7 has tasked them to return to their original mission in the southeast. Omaha 31 advises that they are trying to contact OPBAT for further tasking.
10242.0 Omaha 31SK: 2316 USB w/OPBAT advising that their ODO (Operations Duty Officer) is trying to contact OPBAT. At 2323 w/OPBAT advising the TOI speed is 12 kts.
Ron (mdmonitor1@verizon.net)
Utility Monitoring from Maryland, USA
Icom R75
45-ft PAR EF-SWL
Decoder- Multipsk V4.15