Update on my last log: RHINO 43 may have been 69-0020 FINALLY returning from KWRB (it's been gone well over a year). No confirmation yet, though.
Patterson, 2/24:
JOSA 123 (C-21A, unid) - 6 pax (1 A4), 2500 lbs fuel; to KCOS
JOSA 431 (C-21A, 84-0140? see below) - 2000 lbs fuel; to KBLV
DEECEE 32 (KC-135R, unid) - called Dispatch
REACH 0457 (C-5A, 70-0457) - 0 pax; to KDOV
REACH 3125 (C-17A, 03-3125) - missed approach before landing, parking I2, requesting cargo upload and fuel, departed as REACH 499
NAVY 7N 131 (UC-12B, 161309) - dropping off 5 pax, picking up pax
JOSA 863 (C-21A, unid) - offloading 2 pax (2x S5), A4 staying onboard, no fuel, requesting quick turn; to KIAD
NAVY 7N 131 (UC-12B, 161309) - to KADW
BACKY 92 (KC-135R, unid) - called Metro for weather at K??? And KBGR; 100 mi SW ROD, FL390
HAWK 01 (C-21A, 84-0140) - offloading 5 pax (1 A3, 1 duty pax), 2000 lbs fuel, departed as JOSA 431
REACH 499 (C-17A, 03-3125) - arrived as REACH 3125, requesting deice; to KBGR
JOSA 431 (C-21A, 84-0140) - arrived as HAWK 01; to KBLV
NAVY JA 05 (P-3C, unid) - called Metro for weather at KNHK; FL280
BOXER 309 (unid) - no fuel, pax pickup; to KADW?
Can anyone ID NAVY JA 05 and/or BOXER 309?
Got up very early today for a seven-hour drive to Normal (Bloomington), IL...I'm here through Saturday night, so no logs from Patterson except for this one:
SWIFT 32 (C-21A, unid) - inbound, advised they would be departing at 0300Z as HAWK 01, 2000-2500 lbs fuel
Also had a few nice surprises on the way up.
Passing KIND, FDX3909 (a DC-10) flew right over me on while I was driving. I believe he was on final for 23L - didn't write it down, obviously. It was at 200 feet or less and flew directly overtop of the car...certainly helped me stay awake!
Approaching Bloomington, I was scanning 118-136 and heard MASH 81 (KC-135R, unid) with KZID...again, didn't write anything down.
The most exciting, however, was right as I reached Bloomington. TORCH 93 (C-130H, unid) was doing pattern work at KBMI and (for the second time of the day) passed right overtop on final. I had seen him in the pattern from a good distance away - hard to miss the telltale smoking engines - and already had him on the scanner. After that approach, he departed VFR back to KPIA.
All in all, it was a decent trip up, though I am quite ready to pass out in my hotel room....